Saturday, December 11, 2010

December Update

Sorry for the delays in blogging. A lot has happened both inside and out, but rain has hampered every aspect of the job. Cabinetry is going in, painting has been done, the roof is coming along slowly, paths are going in and the garage floor is coated. Still lots to do but we may move into the new part before Christams. After that , the men can go to town on stripping the old part, renewing wiring, walls and ceilings and finishing the guest ensuite.Fences and landscaping, driveways and clothes line will follow. The garage door will come in late January. It is a race against time to be ready for Summer visitors in January and February. Everyone involved wants the job completed. We're now in week 37!

Update December 2010

December 2010 update

Monday, September 13, 2010

New windows, paint and a new local coffee shop!

Now the roof is on, the eaves gutters and trims are appearing. The Bifold doors in the front bedroom will let in streams of winter sun all day. While the scaffolding is still there the painters are following the builders down. On 1st September, a new coffee shop called Óur Haus', opened to a grateful suburb. It's only a block away, and we don't have to fight for a park in Oxford Street.

Lydia in the rafters

Lydia continues her daily inspections. She loves to run upstairs before us and proceeds to climb all over the rafters , disappearing and reappearing from all the roof spaces and cavities.

Taking shape

Views of the new roof and the old. I'm in the top bedroom and Mike's on the scaffolding outside and above it.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Rubble Rat

Lydia loves to inspect every piece of rubble for cat treasure.

Old foundations

The last of the old foundations are almost gone. Digger will return on Monday to make way for the new front wall of the house.

Saturday 14th

The last day of the Ekka coincides with that of the old front stairs.

Electrical wiring

As the Ekka westerlies blow the walls are strengthened and the wiring goes in.

The roof trusses

As soon as the rain stopped the roof trusses arrived and went up. When will the roof be sealed?

Tuesday nights downpour

Grab the tarp and buckets, or anything that will hold water! The heaviest rain since 1870 something poured i through the bathroom window, via the new family room with no roof, and seeped along the vj ceiling of the lounge room. The saturated carpet came out to the skip a few days later.

The study and the old front stairs

As the study takes shape above the new entry, the old stairs under the little frot roof prepare to be demolished.

Opening the gable.

As the upstairs rooms take shape, the floor cuts into the roof of the old house. The black plastic will have to keep any rain out.